Ollie says:
What did poeple think of having the days segregated into styles...clssic/stoner on one day and sludge/doom the next? Personally I think it would be far more of a benefit to mix it all up as it can get a little heavy going seeing a whole bunch of similar bands one after the other. I'd be a lot more interested in maybe seeing someone like Dopefight then maybe Domes of Silence then maybe Serpent venom then Invasion and mixing it all up a little more. Plus it brings a greater breadth of punters into each day and helps the doom fans to catch on to a little more stoner and vice versa rather than just playing to their usual crowds. I think people would be more likely to get tickets for both days this way than to pick and choose.
Even though we had a mention, Ta, Ollie as usual is right a 2 day event of bands from across the stoner/doom/sludge spectrum would be a big draw .