
Civilian Thrower / FilthxCollins Split

Fri 14th March 2025


/incoming/civifilth.jpgThis is grindcore, as pure and unkempt as you can find, so the 19 (*nineteen*) tracks take less than nine minute cumulatively to conquer, and in keeping with that brevity (and neatly fitting my inept grindcore knowledge), I'm going to keep this review short. It feels only right.

This split, out on the superlative Eggy Tapes label, pits France and England's finest short form blasters in a duel to the deaf. Split releases are the bread and butter of grindcore of course, but Civilian Thrower are the tag team champions of the world, only seeming to exist at all once crashing out their splurges against another. Paired here with FilthxCollins, whose 2024 Primate Violence record is still feels recent, this is a dream team coupling for the grind underground.

Sans lyrics - or vocal decipherability - you're left to conjure the themes from song titles, and they do not disappoint. From the Luigi-supporting Slain CEO, to the relatable Strongly Worded Email, FilthxCollins hold their end up, whilst Civilian Thrower sum up a lot via Far Centre Politics, the combined impression of left wing political anger, day to day frustrations with the world and a general all round gruesomeness.

Musically, Civilian Thrower are rampaging despite having the longer tracks (one lasts proggishly more than a minute), whilst FilthxCollins have never sounded better, the belligerent and fun combo only grind can really achieve when played at its best. Go get your head battered by nineteen songs in the time it takes a doom album to warm up and then buy the tape, because this is what grindcore is all about.


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