
ninehertz Podcast 267

Fri 13th September 2024


/incoming/deaparpod.jpgWell this might be the most packed episode we've done in a while. Full of post metal, technical grind, drone, stoner rock heroes and more. Mike and Pete decree the following nine tracks worth your time. Hit the bricks lamewads:

Druin - You Don't Always Live to be Old

Codespeaker - Verte

Coltaine - Dans Un Nouveau Monde

Moni Jitchell - Agnostic Blunt

Dead in Latvia - Onion Terror

Celestyn - Respite From The Moil

Hand of Omega - A Mentats Oath

Forn - Pact of Forgetting

Hermano - Breathe

The Ninehertz Podcast ยท Episode 267 - New Release Podcast


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