
Wildflower Reverse Horizon

Mon 17th March 2025


/incoming/wildrever.jpgReverse Horizon absolutely drips with atmosphere, doom wielded as a world building tool, the overall sensation more important than the songs or riffs, a secretion of noxious gases into the stratosphere, blackening the skies, blocking out the light and depressing the mood. This is Wildflower, a mysterious outfit by nature of the limited information available to us, the totally of which can be surmised from their bandcamp page - they're from Lancashire, seemingly a solo project, and they are unequivocally doom. It leaves no distraction from the music, which is more than enough.

Think doom at its bleakest ends - of Bell Witch or Coltsblood, although not as long form as either. The sheer overbearing and oppressive emotional disposition that clouds songs like the title track opener also bring in factors of black metal and sludge, and as such it reminds me of Ramesses' masterwork Misanthropic Alchemy, high praise in comparing to that unadulterated wall of claustrophobic doom savagery. There are four tracks of consistent quality, although Fragments is probably the high point, its doom tone so dishevelled you feel dirtied being in its presence.

If this is indeed the work of one person then someone probably needs to check in on them and make sure they're okay. This is from the darkest recesses, and it goes without saying that this is perfect music for us. It is a quality release - and as a solo work debut that's an awesome feat.


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