Today I heard some new Mogwai on the old wireless.
Why have I not been listening to them before? It was awesome.
I was reading on last fm the other day they have a new album coming out soon. They're touring soon too, but they're only playing manchester near here, and it's midweek so i pretty much wont be going.
I've had Mr Beast on in the car for the last few days, that's my favourite Mogwai album, travel is dangerous is ace.
I'm pretty terrible at the Mogwai back catalogue, but the tracks Mogwai Fears Satan and Helicon are fantastic.... especially the former live.... absolutely deafening
I spent many years only owning Mogwai's CODY, and rock action when that was released, and then a couple of years since i caught up. Those two albums have been my favourites until Mr Beast came out.