I'm into making a fuss of our cat (Mr Fuzz) who finally reappeared after being lost for 8 weeks.
Also into:
Marmite on toast
Sam Smith's Oatmeal Stout
Listening to music on headphones (avoids a lot of arguing)
Selling old metal shirts to people with more money than sense on e-bay
I'm into loading up the wood burner, getting the place baking hot and then nodding off in a drunken stupor (2 bottles of Jack Daniels for £25 in Tescunts at the moment. I was supposed to be putting them away for Xmas but the devil told me to open them. I had to obey my master).
i've been sending some naughty words off to viz for inclusion in the next profanisaurus. i'm currently into designing a big ass piece to go on my leg and thinking of more naughty words.