mamba says:
Playing a shit pool game on the internet
what is it? i love rubbish internet games -
Fragger + sequels on Miniclip are brilliant.
other than that...
reading (got back into it after not reading much in a while) got Moby Dick, Buddha of Suburbia and Valley of the Dolls on the go at the mo.
alcopops - not often but I have occasional urges to buy the cheapest, most luminous nasty drink ever and gulp it merrily.
doing both the above in my backgarden for the first 3 hours after work, on my garden furniture set, every day.
german music - listened to atari teenage riot, rotor, colour haze, and beehoover on my discman on the way to work this week, all coincidentally.
solitaire on the computer - using vegas rules and seeing if i can make money on three hands
mario and sonic at the olympic games
skinny tshirts
making soups