
Forums - General Chat

Ninehertz Dads Club

    •  GarethGareth
    • I have all my genetic material safely and securely backed up.

      By which I mean there's a jar in the fridge you should probably not eat from.
    •  PetePete
    • I thought you said that was sauerkraut...
    •  GarethGareth
    • OK, 2 jars.
    •  BacchanalBacchanal
    • Bloody hell this is mental.

      We're coming to the end of day 3, I think I've slept um... 10 hours since Thursday. Tears, elation, lots of talking about shit and wiping it.

      The payoffs are great though, been sat on the sofa this evening listening to Om and grooving along to Al's basslines together.
    •  PetePete
    • Ha ha. Congratulations.
    •  OllieOllie
    • The good bits of being a parent are better than anything...the worst bits are worse than anything!!!
    •  HopkinsHopkins
    • that's so true ollie
      heaven and hell
    •  OllieOllie
    • Yin and Yang...fortunately the good bits pretty much outweigh the bad bits. I find myself just watching my little boy (he turned two yesterday so he's very much at that cute stage where everything is exciting and new)for ages juts totally amazed how awesome he is and how funny he can be.
    •  BacchanalBacchanal
    • A few weeks down the line and I'm due back at work tomorrow.
      Can't say I'm looking forward to it really, seems much less important than it used to. On the other hand getting paid is seeming much more important.
      Some of the delerious joy has faded, of course I love the little pisswizard but the hard graft is becoming clear.
    •  OllieOllie
    • Like I said mate, the best bits of being a parent are better than anything and the worst bits are worse than most things. Sleep deprivation does take the edge off delirious does never having clothes that doen't have some form of baby body fluid on them, living in a messy house, having to watch shitty kids TV and a million other things...but when they give you a hug it rules!!!
    •  PetePete
    • Mine's nearly a year old now. Loads of people at every stage have seemed to revel in teeling me how much work/problematyic/stressful certain milestones will be, but I haven't found it so - I've just enjoyed it ll. Although when she started crawling recently the warnings did ring true then - all of a sudden every thing in my living room is a danger, and you can't even pop to the toilet without worry.
    •  OllieOllie
    • Yes mate, now starts probably two years or so of mild panic, constant risk assessments, shutting doors/stairgates every time you've gone through them, worrying every time you take you kids to someone else's house in case they get somewhere they shouldn't, especially if they don't have kids and have ornaments and shit like that everywhere. You'll also need plasters and to know where A&E is.
    •  PetePete
    • I'm thinking of getting a cage.
    •  OllieOllie
    • We thought of doing that as well. Think it's ok until they can start talking and telling people you keep them in a cage!
    •  mambamamba
    • Tiring innit.
    •  GarethGareth
    • Ollie says:
      We thought of doing that as well. Think it's ok until they can start talking and telling people you keep them in a cage!

      "You keep them in a cage?"

      "That's what they call the stair guard, because it looks like a cage."

      "Oh, OK."

      "SUCKER, it's an actual cage."
    •  PetePete
    • mamba says:
      Tiring innit.

      Aye. Congrats Alex.

Forums - General Chat - Ninehertz Dads Club