Pretty damn cool actually. Bit of a depature as it's only 13 tracks in 30 minutes or so so they're more like "proper songs" but there's still some great machine gun hyper grind and some more chuggy riffy moments. There's even a drum solo. Ha ha ha. Programmed drums still naturally which makes it all the more daft. Well worth a listen. They've got a female vocalist integrated as well (Kat from down tempo Doomsters Salome). Nothing girly though she screams her lungs out just as much as the boys.
'Gainst all prevailinge goode sense, I wouldst lyke to purchaseth a copye ov thys at once.
Did I say it right? Huh? Is that how you say it?
Played with this guy last night in Guildford and he was astounding. Painfully shy and awkward, but amazing when singing - for fans of My Summer As A Salvation Soldier fo sho!
Also listening to Clutch, Slo-Burn and Kyuss because it's clearly summer outside.