tonight: chill out with a couple of brewski's seeing as I've been on anti-biotics for a week and not had a drop
tomorrow: tidy up the house (it's full of fucking hay/wood shavings since Fran talked me into letting her getting a Rabbit. there will be pics when i sort out my phone) get a haircut and have a shave (cut-throat razor at the barbers. old skool), go see our house being built (It's up to the roof! not long now ), sort out a loan to pay for the rest of my MCSE course seeing as the paperwork they sent to pay over time will hit me with a 750 quid early repayment charge which is bullshit as he said there wouldnt be one
Just been for a morning bike ride. What with that and my stunning performance at cricket last night (25 retired and 2 for 8) my legs feel like they're going to drop off!
Monday: Thorpe Park. Been promising to take the missus for ages.
Go one Stealth as much as you can! that ride is insane.... i loved it and there is absolutely nothing stealthy about it.
Today - work then run to the bank at lunch to demand why they have taken my overdraft away, then a few after work beers which will probably deteriorate into some drunken fights... as per usual
Tomorrow - BBQ if the weathers nice and then get ballbagged in the evening...
Sunday - JT at the Joiners.... cant wait to hear their new stuff live
We're buggering off up North and everyone's buggering off to Brum for Supersonic... then when we come back to Brum everyone else is back up North sod's law I suppose
I bet his fucking clock weighs more than that exhaust.
I've just recieved news that i am working sunday night, so that's good for me as i'll have thursday night off work, so i can set up my tent at stainsby, go watch converge at corp, and then have normal nights sleep before camping for the weekend.
It also prompted me to be brave (for once) and get a ticket for supersonic, i'll be driving down early afternoon - hopefully in time for black sun (but in reality probably not), and driving back afterward the day has finished. All i need now is to figure out where to park. The good thing is i've driven to the custard factory before, but that was when the nearby street were quieter.
I'm gradually making my way to supersonic. I'm missing black sun as i couldn't get to sleep when i finished work - too excited, not tired and not switched off when i went to bed, so by 10 i'd had no sleep and thought better set off 2 hours later to actually have some sleep. I fucking hate that. I've also just spent 30 minutes farting about with facebook mobile, only to find out afterwards that my broadband is working now.
So i sohuld get to bru for about 6pm, still gonna be worth it though.