
ninehertz Podcast 225

Fri 8th September 2023


/incoming/vulhigpod.jpgWe're still so excited to be bringing you the best in heavy sounds every week. Thank you for choosing to listen to us every time we put something out. This week is for you, as ever, the listener. Hosts Mike and Pete try and sound knowledgeable about:

Gendo Ikari - Abhorrent

Gasp - Impact Miracles

Old Skin - Dismantled//Disposed

Cestode - Recollection Void

Vulcanodon Phazer - Gonna Clear Her Name

Glyph - Imposters Folly

Coward Kill Coward - Drone Bring Death

Infested Monastery - Mankind Hater

Earthbong - Bong Aeterna

The Ninehertz Podcast ยท Episode 225 - New Release Podcast


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