
ninehertz Podcast 204

Fri 24th March 2023


/incoming/smogenpod.jpgIt's a FAST episode this week, lots of grind, with a bit of stoner and drone thrown into the gloop.

Mike and Pete scurry the following down your ear canals this week:

Bastard Sword - Il Gigante

Wanderer - When We Stopped Asking Why

Nekus - Katabasis

Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean - Summer Comes To Multiply

Atvm - Finisher of the World

Smote - Hlaf

The Human Race is Filth - Bastardized

Dead Chasm - In Abhorrent Obscurity

Beyond the Grasp of Light - The Earth Was Feverish

The Ninehertz Podcast · Episode 204 - New Release Podcast


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