Our drummer Al decided He cant make the project any more. Which is a shame because we we're starting to make headway on some stuff.
Any Sheffield Drummers into jamming out 20 minute psychadelic stoner vibes off the cuff in Sheffield? We're only looking to record jam's at the moment, get an idea of where we're at & take it from there.
Cool, well we can have a jam at least and see what goes down. Is there a drum kit there by any chance? It's a fucker to shift mine around. Either that or we can have a jam at our place on Carlisle St? You'll just need a guitar head (and obviously guitar/bass).
well either's fine with me. Where's your place on Carlisle street? I was thinking BOK! cus i get it free. There's plenty of kits there too, you'll just need snare & symbals. I've got a head & a bass amp for cadders too.
I'm not opposed to the idea. I've not had chance to sit down & write some proper stuff or a while. I'll be off to Lanzo on thurs for 2 weeks, hopefully with some new material to work with.