Its me and am back in the UK as of February I m planning on doing a UK tour for the whole month so I need to start booking stuff up now. I was wondering if you could help me out with either a show or putting me in contact with somebody who puts on shows in your area?
My plans are roughly this...
31st Jan - Isle of wight quey arts centre (confirmed)
1st Feb- Edge of the wedge (confirmed)
2nd - bristol (confirmed)
3rd - cornwall or plymouth or west country
4th - west country
5th - west country
6th - London or Brighton
7th - birmingham adam and eve (confirmed)
8th - Manchester Baxsement show (confirmed)
9th - Leeds dry dock (confirmed)
10th - Preston (TBC)
11th - Newcastle or sunderland
12th - Edinburgh or on the way to edinburgh (with Calum carlyle)
13th - scotland (with calum carlyle)
14th - scotland (with calum carlyle)
15th - scotland (with calum carlyle)
16th - Aberdeen (confirmed)
17th - Inverness marketr bar (confirmed)
18th - Thurso (confirmed)
19th - Glasgow (tbc) with Duncan Evans (Electric mud generator)
20th - Bradford with Duncan Evans (Electric mud generator)
21st - leeds or harrogate with Duncan Evans (Electric mud generator)
22nd -Liverpool or manchester or sheffield with Duncan Evans (Electric mud generator)
23rd - Liverpool or manchester or sheffield with Duncan Evans (Electric mud generator)
24th - leciester, norwich, coventry with Duncan Evans (Electric mud generator)
25th - London with Duncan Evans (Electric mud generator)
26th - London (confirmed)
27th - Brighton, southend or London
28th - Derby
1st March - Croydon (TBC)
2nd march- wales
3rd March- wales
Tim Houlehouse (England)
VIDEO: www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK44lTn0XpU
MYSPACE: www.myspace.com/timholehouse
PRESS RELEASE: timholehouse.com/contact-2/
The archetypal image of a bluesman, outcast from proper society and stalked by personal demons. The defining characteristic of Delta blues is instrumentation and an emphasis on rhythm and "bottleneck" slide. When Holehouse arrived in a new town, he would play for tips on street corners or in front of the local barbershop or a restaurant. Holehouse also had an uncanny ability to establish a rapport with his audience - in every town in which he stopped, Holehouse would establish ties to the local community that would serve him well when he passed through again a month or a year later. Ok these things where written about Delta Blues Musicians of the 1920's and 1930's but sums up what i am trying to do now. I travel I play music for music's sake. It has its roots in the delta blues with my own personal twist on it. I live by my rules and those rules are best summed up by something a friend of mine from Winnipeg told me once. Creativity, Adventure and People. Things I will not do Appear in my own music videos! Have my name or face on a shirt! Sell my soul! I enjoy playing music, if you want me to come to your town play get in touch. Let the good times roll!
Of course apart from the confirmed ones these are all flexible and the Uk certainly isnt as big as mainland europe. Let me know what you think and if you can help me that would be great.
Kind regards
Tim [Edited by Tim Holehouse at 17:41 on 03/01/11]