We now have in stock "Surya" by Queen Elephantine, here's some blurb...
"Surya is a mirage in the Martian desert – both otherwordly and earthly, barren and dense, a wild tempest of feeling. These are loose, droning jams; all-encompassing, draining, oppressive and at once peaceful, like the subject of the album, Surya – the Sun. These are the bastard children of the Grateful Dead that listen to Swans and Earth and Velvet Underground and YOB."
Approx. Running Time: 65 Minutes
1. Queen Elephantine (5:00)
2. Ramesses II (16:28)
3. Kabir (6:50)
4. Plasma Thaw (10:04)
5. Bison (27:24)
Click to order [Edited by Catacomb Records at 12:25 on 30/10/08]