
Forums - Music Discussion and Promotion

Ocean chief tour 1st October - 4th October need help

    •  pombagira666pombagira666
    • hi, okay so Ocean chief have confirmed that they are going to come from the 1st October to the 4th October, with a possibility that they may play on the Tuesday as well thus extending their tour schedule by a day. Other than a possible show in Leeds we need to find other people who would be interested in putting Ocean Chief and Pombagira on. The idea stands that the first two, if not three shows would be in the north with one in Brighton and then of course London. London seems like it will be the hardest nut to crack. So any and all offers will be considered. Just contact pombagira at so we can discuss everything in greater detail. Or leave a message here on the forum and we will get back to you.
    •  Tom PTom P
    • Anyone?... Sheffield? Ocean Chief?!
    •  CareyCarey
    • not if they play leeds, there won't be the turnout to make it worth their while.
    •  Tom PTom P
    • Ah fair do's. To be honest all I read were the bits that said to me "ocean chief....tour....north...."

      I really want to see Ocean Chief! I'e been singing their praises for a while now, I even cranked Tor on the Redhouse PA after the Toner Low gig, quality band.
    •  Tino InsanaTino Insana
    • I'd be very interested in putting them on in Sheff, but I thought the same thing about Leeds. If there was pretty a guarantee of a decent turnout, I'd do it.
    •  pombagira666pombagira666
    • yeah I know leeds and sheffield are pretty close to each other but I figured since we did pretty much the same thing with Lesbian earlier in the year that it might work this time. It just means people have the opportunity to see Ocean Chief twice. Of course the scope of the tour is somewhat shackled by O.C. only wanting to play a few days here. If on the other hand it had been for longer then we could have travelled up to scotland and on the return drive south we could have stopped at another relatively close city, thus giving something of a breathing space. Anyway, I hope that someone does have the courage to take on the responsibility of putting on another show in the north. O.C.are (at least in my mind) one of the best bands about at the moment. Just made a proof for a four colour shirt Ocean Chief shirt and it looks fuckin amazing. Hoping the band will like it so I can go ahead and do some screen printing for them.

Forums - Music Discussion and Promotion - Ocean chief tour 1st October - 4th October need help