"Call of Avernus" is released on Monday 6th December 2010 and available from all online stores (All That's Heavy, HMV, Play, Amazon etc), whatever physical record shops you can find nowadays, Catacomb and Alunah!! It wil also be available for digital download on itunes.
The album is recorded by Greg Chandler (Moss, Serpentcult) and mixed/mastered by James Plotkin (Earth, Sunno, Isis).
"Call of Avernus" is now listed for pre-order on www.play.com. (HMV, Amazon etc to follow shortly). Digital pre-order now available from I-Tunes, Amazon etc. Official release date is 6th December.
Check out the sound clips on www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&...
....these will feature on our myspace page shortly (Kind of fitting as we've recently hit 50,000 views) along with details of the special "Call of Avernus" pre-release shows.