Tue 8th September 2020
Crunching guitar tone precedes a thundering trudgerous riff, a bellowing vocal follows not too far behind. Hymn's Breach Us is initiated in a grand doom style.
The four song release begins with the title track. It takes next to no time to establish a Conan sound abridged to Yob structure, an appealing proposition, albeit it not the most overly original. Exit Through Fire seems darker somehow, venom in the shadows cast by the mighty heft of the wall of noise generated. Then they draw it out, bring it down close to the ground, patiently stalking, occasionally lifting its head for a riff launched raid, yet more happy to keep its cover and its prey unsuspecting.
They're much better with this manifestation of the sound, the darkening expansion. Crimson highlights this even more so; an ominous gloom setting in as they pull back, disorientating as they fade to all but minimal shuffling noise, the inevitable outburst more keenly experienced due to the quiet it arose from. There are post-metal dynamics involved, Amenra and Neurosis shaped flecks upon the broadly doom canvas.
Can I Carry You accentuates the two piece nature, but wears it well, with a snarling Jucifer type attitude. It's stripped back approach leaves open for the energised anger to reveal itself, a purity and honesty in its nakedness. It gradually adds layers, becoming more familiar to doom ears, but it never loses that aggression, punk music played slow, dirty and dragged kicking through fourteen minutes.
Despite something of a false start - the good, but lost in the doom masses opener - Hymn emerge with a record full of emotion and weight, a heaviness transcending their numbers. It feels recognisable yet subtly different, imparting an exhilarating sense of deft innovation and excellence.
Forums - Reviews and Articles - Hymn - Breach Us