Thu 6th December 2018
Vvore’s last album, Näkyjä Helvetistä, still gets regular plays here two years on from our introduction to the “neo-crust” Finns. They return now with a five track EP.
There’s a bullish metal beginning, then a Scando crust High on Fire feel to first number Takaisin Pimeyteen. It doesn’t really evolve, and while all composite elements sound great, the whole fails to electrify.
That’s it for any downside though, having got that out of the way it’s all out blistering blackened hardcore crust to the end, a thrilling majestic ride to sit back and gorge yourself within.
It is beautifully grimy and constantly on the front foot. Second track Aivan Tarpeeksi Kauan sends fire sent through your veins, heart and soul and spit all thrown in to the effort like the best of punk, the second half following a quiet pause drenched with emotional release. Brilliant.
The black metal elements crack through the crust to only small, yet significant extent. It is spectacularly deployed, the force and emotion thrown in willing you to match their exertions. You’ll happily comply, whether through windmilling round your living room, or simply aligning to the passion evident in the screams and all out hardcore battery.
Crust with small vial doses of doom and influences that nod towards black metal.... little can sound as vital, and Vvorse do it better than most. It isn’t perfect, but still really fucking good, and further evidence that they are a band you really need to be following, right now.
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