
Sideburn IV Monument

Thu 13th December 2012


/incoming/ivmon.jpgSideburn have an amazing name, sadly that's where the amazement stops.

That's no bad thing, what the band does is fully rocking and competent, it's just with a name like that I was expecting something a bit more crushing, What actually lurks within this Swedish beast of a band is a classic rock swagger that brings to mind the bluesier end of classic Sabbath, a slower and more stoned-out Maiden and a healthy dose of that Dozer-esque sound only this part of the world seems to be able to deliver.

You know the kind, smooth, clean vocals that could sweeten the most rancid of milks. Think Dexter Jones Circus Orchestra slowed down a bit and given less southern rock to feast on. Sideburn have a sound that would go down well in either a packed pub full of fat farmers hopped up on suspect cider or equally a room full of denim and leather at a spit and sawdust venue anywhere from Alabama to Prague.

Tomorrow's Dream sadly isn't a Sabbath cover, but weirdly sounds like a Sabbath tune, rollicking and psychedelic in equal measure.

This is stuff that would do well with those who have a penchant for the bands who frequent the excellent Desertfest. Although leaning more to the classic rock side of the stoner rock ball park, Sideburn certainly have a certain innocent pleasure to them. To sound interesting in such a crowded and sometimes tough genre is an achievement and most of IV Monument will impress even the most cynical rock fan (hell, I'm listening to this for the third time through in a row so why not?)

If you've got a hankering for some classic rock spankering, Sideburn could well be the band to sort you out. Investigate now!


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