Mon 5th November 2012
Here we have yet another deliciously gloomy release from what is fast becoming the home of UK underground darkness, Witch Hunter Records. Limb are a London based sludge outfit with a bit of momentum and reputation building.
The demo begins with Daemoness - and instantly clubs you with a doom sludge riff of Eyehategod or Crowbar crusty goodness. The song evolves nicely, not content to rest on the riff alone, stripping it back to quieter moments before bringing it crushingly back.
Here Limb demonstrate all the hallmarks of good sludge music done right (to my mind at least) - monstrous riffs, played with a snail-paced lethargy, while also mixing the song up to keep it interesting. There's hints of Weedeater at their best in their make up.
The changes of pace are evident again on Black Rat, and Dead Voice finishes things nicely with a more upbeat almost punk vein running through it, flitting between the slow and fast tempos nicely. Limb have set a fine marker with this demo, go check it out now at Witch Hunter Bandcamp.
Forums - Reviews and Articles - Limb - Demo