    •  OllieOllie
    • We've already established that the bloated corpse of Myspace is starting to smell pretty bad now so what do people think of Reverbnation? It seems to offer a lot of the same things that Myspace has been offering...tracks, fans, messaging, photo uploads...etc. It's not quite as neat and easy to use as Myspace used to be but it's a damn sight better than Myspace is now. Is it a viable alternative to Myspace? We've had a Reverbnation page for ages now (GO HERE!!!) but have never really pushed it but I'm thinking of using it in preference to our Myspace page now.
    • I love our ReverbNation page. (LINK DEPLOYED)

      I think we'd close our MySpace account if the address wasn't written in the booklet of our album.
    •  mambamamba
    • S'alright. Don't think enough people really use it to make it a viable alternative. Or maybe that's just me.

      Maybe I'll go and have another look at ours... *I've gone*
    •  basstardbasstard
    • I've been thinking a lot lately about setting up on Reverbnation, mainly as a reaction to the rotting turd that myspace has become.
      Has anyone actually come to the defence of the current myspace set up? You'd think that all this negative feedback might have prompted some kind of reaction at myspace HQ...
      From having a quick browse at other bands' Reverbnation pages it looks pretty neat and although it will undoubtedly have its own bad points, it does seem to be the most band-friendly option available.
    • ReverbNation doesn't take forever to load/crash browsers either.
    •  bad admiralbad admiral
    • myspace 2004 - revolution
      rip myspace 2011 - killed by evolution
    •  OllieOllie
    • bad admiral says:
      myspace 2004 - revolution
      rip myspace 2011 - killed by evolution

      It evolved itself out of a human being that evolved to have power tools for hands but gutted itself wiping its arse!!!
    •  OllieOllie
    • Actually, it may be my imagination but it does look as though there is a bit of an upsurge in activity on Reverbnation so maybe people are moving over to it
    •  mambamamba
    • The 'Band Profile' thing for facebook has helped I think. That's when I first started taking real notice of it.
    •  GrymGrym
    • I think reverbnation is the way ahead for now. Could be a really good tool for networking and organising gigs/gig swaps if more bands actually bothered to become fans of each other (hint hint) and it's quick and pleasantly laid out for punter type visitors. Just needs bands to get its name out there a bit more so it becomes as ubiquitous as MySpace was back in the days when it was useful.

      Fan us. Go on, I dare you.

      I particularly like the gig listings as well, if the other bands on the bill are on reverbnation as well it all auto links in to their page from the listing as well as the venues reverbnation page. Nice interconnectedness (is that a word?).

      EDIT, speaking of interconnectedness, I also like how you can tie in any Facebook/Myspace/Twitter pages for the band as well. So if your Twitter is tied in I believe any status updates you do on reverbnation get tweeted too and if you "fan" and also recommend a band you auto generate a tweet saying "Mage says check out Grifter" and a short clickable link that would (in this example) lead to Grifter's reverbnation page...
      [Edited by Grym at 16:27 on 25/01/11]
    •  basstardbasstard
    • I think Reverbnation will have to go to the top of my 'to do' list. Is it a piece of piss to set up for a technophobic luddite or will I need to dedicate a whole weekend?
    •  JackJack
    • Its pretty simple, i got a page set up in about an hour. Very clean good design

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