basstard says:
Excellent review Ollie.
Crass were very important and influential to me; a real case of more than just music. I still play my original vinyl and love them to bits but I doubt I'll be buying the reissues.
I'm pretty disappointed with Steve Ignorant doing his money-making tour of Crass songs. Although I am too young to have seen the real thing, I won't be pissing on my cherished memories of the band by taking part in this karaoke event. It just seems to go completely against what Crass stood for and represented.
I was offered the chance to get in on the guest list to see him in Manchester and interview him but I declined. Partly because I can't take the time off to go up to Manc and partly for the reasons you've stated. the reissues are great for me as a lot of the stuff I have is on crappy old cassettes so now I can get decent copies and the sound quality is a lot better and more bottom endy.