mike says:
Just thought of another one, saw The Sword supporting Clutch in Sheffield, then saw them open Roadburn a week later, they smashed it both times. Mainly because it was the Age of Winters tour.
I never thought about festivals...
We put Gentlemans Pistols on in Sheffield on 7th April 2008, then I saw them 10 or 11 days later at Roadburn, that was great.
I saw Karma to Burn twice at Roadburn 2010 (they played again as others did as so many pulled out due to the Icelandic volcano) then at Corp a few days after I got back. That was good because it was great to get out to a gig so quick, as it's like a comedown returning from a festival.
And I saw Monster Magent twice the same summer, I think, once at Big Day Out and the other possibly with Rob Zomibe at the Academy in Manchester. And this kinda proves my initial point in the thread - the first time was great, Wyndorf set his gutar alight, they trashed the stage, caused exciting havoc. When they did the exact same thing next time I saw them, at the exact same point, it reduced not only that night but the previous gig.