
Forums - General Chat


    •  rlucas666rlucas666
    • Earlier today I'd noticed a connection from my PC to something called "glorialewis", very odd I thought until I ran a proper tool which showed me more details and I realised it was one of the ninehertz's servers... who else would have a server named that really?

      Apologies to anyone that read that and just got a burst of static.

      As you were.
    •  MazzMazz
    • Well, well, well.
    •  BenBen
    • I named it that, all my servers are named after Kyuss songs. The old ninehertz one was tangyzizzle, my one at home is greenmachine :)
    •  Rob HimselfRob Himself
    • I watched Wargames yesterday. I don't know why it used to seem like an awesome movie, cos it's like a really boring 80s version of Hackers.

      I also watched Happy Gilmore. Now that's a movie.
    •  MazzMazz
    • Rob Himself says:
      I watched Wargames yesterday. I don't know why it used to seem like an awesome movie, cos it's like a really boring 80s version of Hackers.

      Yeah...It's just a bunch a people sat behind MASSIVE computers.

Forums - General Chat - Wargames