My supervisor in work was laughing at me for ages because I hadn't heard of a band called ' Any ID ' I just thought she was giving me the usual drivel about asking for ID from people buying alcohol , as they constantly do in supermarkets.
'' But you must have heard of Pharel ? '' . I shrug.
then she told me, excitedly , she had moved into a new house that was lived in by one of the Arctic Monkeys till this year.
whoopie shit.
I told her I had never actually heard the music of the Arctic Monkeys but I gathered they were famous and from Sheffield.
She didn't believe me.
edit : apparently this band is called N E R D not any ID
I've given up now, whenever anyone asks me what the band play, I just raise both arms in the air and say "METAL"! Even though we're not very metal. I did explain properly to this one though because she's extremely good looking.
I did once snap and describe us as "take the most horrible music you've ever dreamed of and multiply that by genocide" or some such nonsense. It got the exact same blank stare as if I'd made a genuine attempt.
And Kev, I think you win the "avoiding popular music" prize. I remember the incredulity among my workmates when I said the Arctic Monkeys' music was dull and unoriginal, I can't even imagine their horror if I'd said I hadn't heard it.
My supervisor in work was laughing at me for ages because I hadn't heard of a band called ' Any ID ' I just thought she was giving me the usual drivel about asking for ID from people buying alcohol , as they constantly do in supermarkets.
'' But you must have heard of Pharel ? '' . I shrug.
then she told me, excitedly , she had moved into a new house that was lived in by one of the Arctic Monkeys till this year.
whoopie shit.
I told her I had never actually heard the music of the Arctic Monkeys but I gathered they were famous and from Sheffield.
She didn't believe me.
edit : apparently this band is called N E R D not any ID
I commented on a workmates status on facebook the other day, he's an emo fag, he said you do know it's from ____ (name of song), i replied no, he then said you do know who scars on broadway are don't you? i told him i'd seen them mentioned in kerrang! I did see them mentioned in last weeks kerrang but haven't a clue what they sound like etc.
The best moment i've had at work was when a ADM came on nights at christmas time a few years ago and said he likes clutch and many other good bands i'm into, he's since left the building.
And when i saw Ben Folds in sheff last year the night manager said if i'd have told him who i was going to see them he'd have come with me - that i wasn't so keen of.
As for the people on days, most are into pop music and that's about it.
I have pictures of Black Sabbath and Clutch on my desk as well as a quote from the lyrics to Born With a Tail by the Supersuckers. People don't really know what to make of me.
Two of the young lasses I work with don't even know who the Stone Roses were so I can't really expect them to understand the joy of rock.
I can't be bothered to talk to anyone about music any more unless I know I'll get a decent conversation out of them.
Apart from boring my girlfriend with it. I think I may be turning a corner. She actually said she 'liked' Gentlemans Pistols the other day. Not just 'it's ok', but 'I like these!'.
I actually managed to get asked a question about post rock in my interview the other day, I was asked to describe it in no more than 6 words, I just said, "Pretentious, mainly instrumental rock music" and they seemed happy with that!
They take the piss outta me for like Jethro Tull... said the only decent song they did was the xmas one... i asked if they'd heard anything else... they said no!! Case closed as far as im concerned!!
A "rock fan" at work asked me what sorta music my band play - I said "kinda stoner / doom metal" he said "ah that's that emo stuff ain't it?"
One of our directors turned up in a new landrover 4x4 with blacked out windows yesterday, number plate saying "666 Nev" I asked him about it and he said he loved metal and was bessie mates with Barney from Napalm... well random... secret lives and all that!!
They all brought the compilation and Aluna EP though so cant grumble!!